Monday, June 18, 2012

Arm and Leg Fracture

In the arm and leg fracture, there are a lot of causes that could lead to it. This is usually a result of trauma and commonly causes substantial muscle, nerve, and soft-tissue damage. In this case, the age of the patient also affects how extreme the injury is. Moreover, if the patient is old, the chance of recovery is lower and the healing time is longer compared to younger patients.

The bones of adults in poor health and with impaired circulation may never heal properly. If the patient has a fractured bone in the arm, which is the most used bone in our body, the injury could render the patient less productive. With the use of the arm, we are doing our daily routine work like carrying things, cleaning, driving, and many more.  If the arm is fractured it means feeling less independent when you need help with everyday activities.
It can also be difficult for a person with a broken leg to dress themselves or shower themselves. We walk using our legs them but they can do so much more for us. Usually a fractured leg is put in a brace or cast, leaving it straightened and immobile. Crutches can help you get around on a broken leg but there is no squatting down, jumping, running, or lifting allowed.
While many fractures are due to carelessness or accidents, a large portion is due to underlying conditions that are completely preventable. Osteoporosis is a bone disease that affects many people of all ages, especially women, around the world. As people age, the bones begin to weaken and become brittle, causing the slightest thing to result in bone fracture.
This means to say that if our arm or leg is fractured then we are not able to do anything. We also get lots of pain and loss of money. It would be best if we do things to prevent the occurrence of fractures.

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