Monday, June 18, 2012

Types of Fracture

There are so many types of fracture. Doctors always examine the injury and x-ray reports of the fractured area. The x-ray reveals which type of fracture the patient has. The treatment option completely depends on the type of fractured bone. It can be complete or incomplete, simple or compound, stress or comminuted. Here we will discuss about the types of fractures:
1. Complete fracture:
In this case, the bone completely breaks up into two parts.
2. Incomplete fracture:
This occurs when there is a crack in the bone but the bone is still in one whole part without separating from each other.
3. Impact fracture:
This happens when the fragments of broken bone get embedded inside the other fragment.
4. Compound fracture:
This is also known as an open type of fractured bone when a broken bone comes out of the skin. This happens when the sharp edge of the broken bone has torn the skin surrounding the injured area.
5. Comminuted fracture:
This occurs when a bone breaks into several pieces.
6. Stress fracture:
This is common among toddlers and is also called as lysine fracture. It only appears within a few weeks after the injury and only in x-ray.
7. Simple fracture:
It is the same as the incomplete type of fractured bone. In this type of fractured case, the bone breaks into two parts.
All these types of fractures are detected by an x-ray report. If the x-ray is unable to detect the problem then next way is to go through CT-scan. It will surely help you out.

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