Monday, June 18, 2012

How to Handle Fracture in Children

Bones are not rigid by nature. They undergo various physiological processes of repair and regeneration. They play very important part on the proper functioning of our body. Bones together form a human skeleton. An adult human skeleton contains 206 bones but a new born baby still has 300 bones. These eventually tend to form 206 bones as they grow up. The bones in babies are made up more bones that become connected to each other and over time they turn in to bones. This process is called ossification.
Babies can have a fracture very easily due to the nature of their bones. So, care must be taken while lifting a small baby. Although they have soft bones, there are still risks of them getting a fracture.
To determine a fracture in a small baby is a bit difficult. It could be a sprain too. If your baby gets injured best thing is to put icepack around the injury.
You will notice a swelling, but that will reduce by ice-pack application. If the injury is worse and your baby is crying with pain, you must go to the doctor for immediate medical help.
Here are some sign of broken bones which will help you in the assessment of a fracture among children:
1. A snapping sound is heard if the bone breaks.
2. The injured area becomes tender.
3. The fractured part becomes shallow.
4. Severe pain with inflammation.
5. The pain increases with any movement.
6. The bleeding of bones and tissues can be observed.
7. There is a deformed shape of the limb.
8. The child will refuse to stand or walk.
If you see any of the above symptoms, see a doctor as soon as possible.

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