Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Phases Involved in the Fracture Healing Process

Do you know what happens with the broken bone after you met an accident? Have you ever thought how the broken bones heal and what are the phases involved during the fracture healing process? This is an interesting process. I will let you know what happens after the injury and what the phases of fracture healing are. You can hear a cracking sound if you have a broken bone. The fractured area gets swollen and you will feel pain. 
 Also there may be an irritation or inflammation around the fracture. As soon as the bone breaks, it starts bleeding. You must consult a doctor immediately so that you come to know about the severity of the broken bone. After knowing the type of fracture you have, you will get proper treatment. But do you know that before the treatment has started, the bone starts a healing process by itself? 
There are three major phases involved in the process, such as the following:

1.     Reactive phase: It is known as the inflammatory phase. The vessels stop bleeding and a clot is formed called hematoma. The outer cell of hematoma degenerates and dies. But some inner cells called fibroblasts remain alive and replicate. They form a loose layer of cells called granulation layer.

2.     Reparative phase:  After some days of fracture the inner lining of bone periosteum   also replicate to form chondroblasts. These chondroblasts fill the gap in the broken bones by making a net-like structure. The fibroblasts in the granulation tissue also develop into chondroblasts to form the hyaline cartilage. The process continues until the fractured gap is filled completely. This process is called as callus formation.

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